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The Need

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Welcome to Mission of Mercy!

Imagine a world where everyone has access to the care they need, no matter who they are or what their life situation is, with no judgement, just

Dignity, Love & Medicine.

State of the Nation

Patient Tonie C with Dr Smith on the Medical RV in Arizona

“It’s really frustrating not to be able to get medical care when you need it… I didn’t have the money to keep up with what insurance wouldn’t cover, which seemed like everything… The volunteers and doctors at MOM are just unbelievable people… now I feel so much healthier, and I have a lot to be thankful for.”

– Tonie C., Mission of Mercy Arizona patient

Read more patient stories HERE.

At MOM, we know that healthy people result in stronger, more resilient communities. A good life begins with good health, and Mission of Mercy is proud to meet this foundational need for our community’s most vulnerable.

Case for Support

Filling the Gaps in our Healthcare System

Though the United States has some of the best trained physicians in the world, and many of its institutions offer premium quality, cutting-edge medical care, the US healthcare system follows a pay-per-service, market driven model that is built more for wealth than health. If you are in the fortunate majority, you have health insurance provided through an employer or are financially able to self-insure, even with high premiums, co-pays and deductibles.

Medicaid (the United States’ public healthcare system) offers comprehensive care which is readily available in most urban areas. The income limit for qualification ($15,456/year or $31,800 for a household of four) makes most working individuals ineligible even though they remain under the federal poverty level and often struggle with food insecurity and housing instability.

Mission of Mercy offers a local solution to our healthcare system’s inadequacy.

Who are Mission of Mercy patients?

– the gentleman who has a full-time job, but whose employer does not provide health insurance;

– the gentleman who has a full-time job, but whose employer does not provide health insurance;

– the diabetic who was just laid off and is looking for a new job;

– the women whose employer provides health insurance, but the deductible is so high that she chooses not to see a doctor when she is sick.

We are proud to be Mission of Mercy, and to have provided life-saving primary medical care and specialty services for 30 years – restoring dignity and healing through Love by providing free healthcare.

Restore Dignity

To restore dignity to the sick, poor, and homeless by providing free medical, dental and pharmaceutical services and by acting as an instrument of “Healing through Love.”

Empower Our Patients

To empower our patients through health education and behavior modification so they can better care for themselves.

Strengthening Communities

We know that good health for one patient improves the overall resiliency of the entire family, and strong families strengthen communities. We know that all who come to Mission of Mercy do so because they are out of options. By bringing the doctor to the people and meeting patients where they live, we provide access to care that our vulnerable patients would otherwise be without, putting themselves and their families at risk. There are tens of thousands of community members — mothers, fathers, children, and grandparents — who have regained their health, been able to stay employed and take care of their families, thanks to Mission of Mercy free healthcare.

Be a Catalyst for Change

To serve as a catalyst for change in the healthcare community and to inspire others to improve the way they serve.

It just makes cents sense! … – Patients with chronic conditions who forgo treatment due to cost end up in emergency rooms receiving the most expensive care there is, and for which they have no ability to pay. This raises the overall cost of healthcare for everyone. Every $1 provided to MOM has a 21x return, meaning that $1 donated is actually $21 of value toward direct service for patients