
Mission of Mercy exists through volunteer support. We are humbled by the commitment of so many busy and talented individuals who unreservedly give their time to staff our clinics. Others drive miles to represent Mission of Mercy in the community, or spend months organizing world-class special events, or selflessly serve on our Board of Directors. Volunteers participate in Mission of Mercy in many different ways and there are opportunities for everyone, including:

Physicians, Dentists and Healthcare Professionals

Mission of Mercy is actively seeking active or retired licensed medical professionals to volunteer at our clinic, or to accept a limited number of pro bono, in-office appointments. We are particularly in need of physicians (internists and specialty), physician assistants, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, pharmacists, dentists and dental assistants.

At the Clinic

  • Helping with patient transportation to the clinic, or to our community partners
  • Driving the medical or dental mobile clinic to and from host sites 
  • Lending an ear to a patient
  • Watching a child so a parent can speak with the doctor or nurse
  • Helping with scheduling appointments and organizing records
  • Interpreters

Behind the Scenes

  • Folding and stuffing letters for mailings
  • Organizing a bake sale, dinner or other fundraiser for Mission of Mercy
  • Donating or distributing Christmas gifts for our “kids”
  • Making phone calls or attending networking events
  • Inviting your contacts to a “Coffee with MOM” clinic tours
  • Serving on our Speaker’s Bureau
  • Promoting Mission of Mercy at events in the community
  • Helping to organize or attending our events and fundraisers
  • And much more.

Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. You can volunteer as little as one day per month in the clinic of your choice. The clinic is scheduled up to six months in advance for easy, long-range planning.

Physicians, Dentists, Physician’s Assistants, and Nurse Practitioners, please contact Dr. Michael Sullivan at (410) 340 3791 or Msullivan@aMissionOfMercy.org. Mission of Mercy provides malpractice insurance coverage for medical and dental practitioners volunteering at the clinic, as well as all other licensed healthcare professional’s.

All other volunteers please contact Julie Wohlfarth at jwohlfarth@amissionofmercy.org, or (301) 682-5683 x207.